Last week Monday I had the second seminar presenting the Create Your GOE process to a group of young people from a friend’s church. I approach these opportunities very seriously, not only because I may be providing the help that someone desperately needs, but because you have to be faithful in small things to be given mastery over larger things.

So even though it was a complimentary seminar from 9-12, to a small audience of about 40 persons,I gave it my best. I thoroughly prepared and wrote the presentation, and became comfortable with the materials to present and focus on for the students.

What amazed me after the presentation, were the questions posed by the students. Some of their comments will be posted on the site soon, but the questions that revealed their inner struggles, conflicts and questions were very powerful. Even though the ages ranged from about 11 to 21, the questions were those you would expect from adults. It was clear that the young people were grappling with the same issues.

Can you imagine the change that can occur if we present the guidance and direction to young people while they are still open and eager, and not afraid to challenge and question? This is the time to lay the correct foundation for the Garden of Eden.
I had wished someone would have shared the principles of how to create my ideal life with me when I was younger and set me on the right path. Now, without any direct effort or intention of my own, opportunities to help young readers have emerged and fallen right into my lap.

This is often how things happen as you focus on pursuing your purpose, ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and see what unfolds. We can plan, and strategize and create action plans, but we do not know the exact means through which God will cause his purpose for us to unfold. I would not have thought I would be presenting the GOE process to young people. But once the opportunities arose, I simply embraced them and after two seminars, I can say that it was good.