The Author

Elizabeth W. Mannette

Dear Friend,

If you’ve followed the conventional path to worldly success and achievement, but still feel like there’s something more out there for you …a specific assignment aligning your interests with your skills…..a higher purpose in the world… then this is going to be the most important message you read all day.

Here’s why…

I’ve been exactly where you are right now. And I had the same questions.  Let me share a little bit of my background just to give you an idea of where I’m coming from:

  • Graduated from Harvard Law School
  • Worked as a New York tax lawyer
  • Served as a Member of Parliament and diplomat in Washington DC for Trinidad and Tobago
  • Built a global energy consulting business
  • Created a design company producing jewelry, gifts and media products
  • Worked with big tech building the core infrastructure for the internet.

Anyone on the outside looking in would assume that I had it made. Great education. High-profile jobs. Lovely home. Good income.

But I still felt like there was something missing. Often I felt I was going around in a circle. Perhaps you feel this way too. The problem was, I felt like I was following a path without considering whether it was the one God had intended for me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for all the experiences and opportunities I’ve had in my life, but I still felt like something was missing. Turning to Scripture, I had an epiphany that changed my life and I think it will change yours as well…