Ever so often, we need to regularly assess where we are as against the larger overall plan that will culminate in our masterpiece; our a reflection of who we are meant to be in this world.

Is what we’re doing taking us in the right direction? Have we been sidetracked, misdirected, or simply going around in a circle? Has the momentum slowed? Are we tired and in need of rejuvenation?

Or, perhaps we are simply not seeing the results we expected or know we can achieve. What’s the solution? At the end of each day/stage of creation in Genesis, see that the Creator assessed his work. He determined that it was good. As we know from the Create Your Garden book, this means that the created work was suitable for its purpose and consistent with the values that defined the Creator.

So too, we must assess. Is it good? Is what I have created (even if it is still unfolding) taking me to the place of fulfilling my purpose and destiny in the earth? Is the created consistent with my values? Does it reflect me?

There is no indication that the Creator in the midst of any one day said “Yikes, I made a mistake. Let’s start over.” But we do know from other metaphors of creativity that when a potter is creating a specific item of clay, if it is not developing as he wishes, he starts over to get it right completely. I’d like to bring in this particular lesson here.

If you need to stop and restart because you can tell something is not quite right, or maybe you have new information…definitely do this. Remember our ‘day’ is not a 24hour day. One day may be weeks, months, or years. And we have to continuously seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we create our Garden of Eden and seek to change our world in 7 days like he did.. So it is expected that we may have to modify our strategy, actions, decisions and creative work. If this were a clear perfect path, we would not have the confusion and lack of fulfillment that we see all around, even with those seeking to follow the Creator’s way.

But key is that we access the help available, as outlined in the preliminary assessment stage of the book; these resources are always with us throughout our seven step process. We simply need to be alert and aware of the guidance, and continue to progress and advance each day, one day at a time, and we will get there and achieve the life we desire.