take it a bit at a time

As I state on the Day Two part of the process (page 51 of the book), creating your Garden of Eden requires work. Sometimes when we start a process or decide to pursue an activity, we get so excited about the result we are looking to achieve that we forget for a minute...

starting to work with High School students

Well I have finally started the GOE course for young high school students.This was not something that I had in my plans for the promotion of the book, to tell the truth. It sort of developed after a few Junior Achievers sent me an email about how the Create Your...

It’s the rainy season here

Over the last several days here in Trinidad, we have been subject to very heavy and continuous rains. Fortunately, I have been indoors for most of the time, but on looking through my windows at the traffic, the wind and the rain blowing across the Savannah, I see the...