When God gave Adam his assignment, everything needed for him to fulfill his role as God’s agent in managing the earth was already in place. The Creation on Days One through Day Six was finished. There was work to be done in tending to the beautiful Garden of Eden, but it was not exhausting effort with toil and stress. That type of work effort came after the fall.

Now, with Christ restoring us to our rightful spiritual place with God, we can work like Adam – from a place where everything we need is already provided. We are not to stress and strain and worry about the outcome, but instead work with a sense of rest in God’s care and provision.

However, you do need to be fruitful and productive in your assigned domain. Even though you are resting, you must still seek God’s wisdom in living accurately to fulfill your destiny. You must plan and strategize to increase your influence. Your daily decisions and choices must be correct. You must always be in a state of growth and development to express God in your unique way. These all can present challenges at times, but the challenges should not cause stress or anxiety about whether you can do it, or will be successful. You must be convinced that since God has given you an assignment on earth that you can accomplish it well. He has put all things in you and provided what is necessary for success.

I once worked in a company that illustrated the concept of working while resting. I was a senior employee with a Big Tech company. It was a challenging place to work because the marketplace was very competitive and the company was determined to be the first choice for the users. So there were new products and initiatives continuously. They hired the best engineers and workers to work on tackling big issues. There was an internal understanding that we had sufficient resources to allocate to any project considered the best for our domain. Any equipment or furniture needed was provided with few questions. The offices were designed for comfort and productivity with the top of the line media and tech tools. There were generous benefits, and amenities, including free breakfast, lunch and dinner, company gym, game rooms and even complimentary massages. This was a place to do challenging work without thinking about resources and without toil and resistance. But I left after two years though it was a phenomenal learning experience.

Here are three lessons I learned that illustrate the system of working while resting in the spirit of Day 7:

  • When you do not have to toil to secure your provisions or resources, you can focus on your specific assignment and apply your unique skills and outlook. This is why everything is in place for you. God does not want you to be stressed about what to eat or where to live or what to wear. These are lower-level needs He has already handled. In resting, you can represent God in managing and dominating your sphere.
  • Creativity is unleashed when you recognize everyone has a unique and valuable contribution to make to the corporate enterprise. When there is no competition but a healthy challenge among partners and colleagues, iron can sharpen iron to generate new ideas and innovation. This is what the Creator wants of us as we, together, in His Kingdom collaborate to represent Him to the world.
  • Good stewardship is key even when there are vast resources. At the company, we were expected to use resources prudently without squandering or waste. So too in resting and working. God has provided all you need. But you need to be a wise steward and not waste your time or your talent. He will ask you to give an account of what He entrusted to you. So be prudent in applying your hands to your task.

Everything you need internally to become your best and represent God has been given to you. And His kingdom is vast with provision. All resources are already in place for your success. But you have to work, nurture and develop your assignment – but without stress and anxiety. Continue working while resting. Exist in the realm of Day 7 knowing you are destined to be a success through all Christ has restored.