Rest While Working

Rest While Working

When God gave Adam his assignment, everything needed for him to fulfill his role as God’s agent in managing the earth was already in place. The Creation on Days One through Day Six was finished. There was work to be done in tending to the beautiful Garden of Eden, but...
Are you seeing the Bigger Picture?

Are you seeing the Bigger Picture?

You may have heard the phrase: Do not miss the forest for the trees. In other words, do not focus so closely on each small individual situation that you miss the bigger picture. And when I took the first photo shown here some months ago, these words of wisdom came...
Do you feel you missed your bus?

Do you feel you missed your bus?

Do you sometimes feel like you missed the bus,  like you made a wrong turn in life or got on the wrong train? Who among us has not, at some point in life, asked, “How did I end up here?” When you are moving forward deliberately toward a goal or destination,  many...
Now we can set our goals

Now we can set our goals

Now that we are well into the second month of the year,  I find it is the best time to determine which goals for the year are achievable, which need to be modified and which need to be abandoned altogether. I encourage others to plan their new year during the last...
The Mask and The UnMasking

The Mask and The UnMasking

Everyone is so over 2020. What a year! Who could have predicted we’d face a global pandemic with economies in lockdown, schools shuttered and employees working from home. No one made this prediction in 2019. What I find particularly amazing is that masks suddenly...